I’m Kaitlyn.

The Shakti School Ayurveda Level 2 graduate; RYT200 from Devanadi School of Yoga; RYT500 from Yogada Ashram in Rishikesh, India; Indie Birth Doula; Yoga Nidra Certified with Tracee Stanley; Panchakarma practicum with Maharani Academy; ParaYoga trained with Rod Stryker; marketing strategizer, Spirit woman, and mother.

The year was 2018. I was breaking my neck climbing the corporate ladder, putting in long hours, churning out proposals, burning out my ojas (vital life force), and completely in denial of it. I kept telling myself “it was worth it,” and “this is how it’s supposed to be.” My happy place was at the yoga studio. The more stressed I got, the more practice I put in.

That Fall, I plunged into my 200-hour yoga training and graduated the following April. I learned to integrate the yoga practices with my daily life, which was quickly collapsing into shambles, or so if felt. My yoga bandaid wasn’t fixing it. I was unhappy. I thought, “there had to be more.” Somehow I knew there was.

There comes a breaking point when the pain of staying put becomes worse than the possibility of failing, of losing everything, or even of death. Many tiny deaths of the ego, of pride, and of the security of salary and benefits shaped me into who I am today.

As an Ayurveda wellness counselor, life coach, and spa bodyworker, I can help you realize your fullest potential of who you were meant to be and find ease and contentment in your daily life, one baby step at a time. By further understanding your body’s unique constitution (prakriti), your pain points and triggers, your ancestral lineage and personal life experiences, and your ultimate goals—I can give you the tools and practices to overcome obstacles and lead a fulfilled life. Whether that’s building a family, finding your purpose, uncovering your innate joy, regulating your digestion, feeling at home in your body, or finding grace and peace as you age— you are worthy of love and belonging. You are worthy of happiness and prosperity. You are worthy of your heart’s desires. I can’t wait to meet you.
