Yoga is a state of being.

There is not one way to achieve the state of yoga—oneness and connectedness to all things. Dance, run, sing, and be still my loves.
Healing: Body, Mind, And Soul.
I've never been the same since my injury. Even the wear and tear over time has made me feel more stiff and rigid. A part of my soul feels the same way. I’m still healing.
Letting Go.
My expectations for myself were so damn high. I was trying to be a robot, do all the things, and do them perfectly. I felt so much pressure, I still do. But I feel my grip loosening. My boss, my kids, my spouse might say things that set me off, but I'm learning not to let them affect me so much.
The feeling that time does not exist. A veil is lifted. Your eyes are opened. A sweet smile crosses your lips. Limitless. You are exactly where you are meant to be.
…Can you relate?

Sadhana: A Daily Practice.
Firm Inner. Soft Outer.
Firm in your sense of Self. Firm in Love. Firm in Truth. Firm in Light.
Soft in listening and learning, like a sea sponge. Soft in connecting to others.
Vinyasa : For intermediate levels, this style of yoga is a flowing movement practice to reduce ama (toxins and negativity) and increase agni (inner fire) ultimately to achieve greater balance and harmony.
Power Yoga : Push it! Press it! Work it!! Build strength and a sweat in this intense and invigorating workout with mindfulness for all levels.
Advanced Yoga : Expect challenging inversions, balancing, breathwork, and deep relaxation as a gateway into bliss.
Slow Flow : A mindful moving meditation for clarity, peace, and connecting to the breath for all levels.
Restorative / Yin : This is an all-levels class to allow the body to deeply relax and lengthen muscles and fascia in the body, preparing for sleep and deep healing.
Yoga Nidra : meaning “yogic sleep,” this practice guides you toward a fourth dimension beyond waking, dreaming, and sleeping. Here, you will find a greater sense of peace and enlightenment. Tap into your true, unchanging Self.
Meditation : Guided practices that may feature chakra (energy) balancing, visualization, sankalpa actualization (heart’s resolve), connection to Spirit, and building awareness, calm, clarity and focus.
Ayurveda : What will be your balancing act? At the foundation of yoga and harmony in the body is Ayurveda—the science of life.
“Kaitlyn’s deep insight in the healing world, combined with her ability to ask just the right questions always leaves me feeling full of illuminated knowledge about myself, and allows me to take the best steps on my path.”
-Sophie, Colorado Springs